Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bohemian Grove, who runs the world

Orchard Albohiman
"Bohemian Grove, is a club founded by the playwright English actor," Henry Edward Henry Edwards "in 1872, covers an area of ​​2700 acres, and is located in Buhima Street No. 20 601 in Monte Rio, Calif., Privately owned and based in San Francisco.
In the summer of each year the club hosts for almost three weeks, more men in the world influential journalists, writers, intellectuals, artists and musicians in the film American "Hollywood", cinemas and global leaders of major financial institutions and the leaders of oil, weapons and energy, including electricity and nuclear power, members of the major powers, including companies military contractors and former and current presidents of the United States of America and Europe, in addition to the Zionist lobby in America's leaders and most of them Ashkenazi.
Members are entitled to host people in the orchard but subject to screening, and are not allowed to hosting the wives or family members or friends, and 40 years after the man earns the title of "the old guard", and be granted Mahfouz seat in the orchard to hold daily conversations, as well as other features.
Club logo barrier to protect them from the outside:
The club motto is "weaving spiders do not come here," it means that the fears of business deals and tremors abroad can not come to members, and are in the garden holding commercial and political task bargains, as happened in the planning meeting in the month of September, 1942, which stemmed from him later making an atomic bomb.
Since the founding of the club, and an orchard Albohiman carries Owl symbol, meaning knowledge, length 12 meters, fetish owl made of steel standing at the head of the lake in the orchard, has designed one of the sculptors and the two heads of the club in 1920, and since 1929 has become the statue backdrop for wood burning red-sponsored concert.
Legend has it that St. John "Prophet Yahya peace be upon him" suffered death at the hands of the king of Bohemia instead Mnofshae secrets doctrine of the king, so Valtmthal symbolizes the secret too long ago.
US independent media starts sniffing the smell:
- Said McLean magazine in its edition of the twenty-third of March, 1981: "Every summer for three weeks, nearly 2,000 Bhoema with guests coming fast cars and planes entrepreneurs to orchard heavily guarded near the village of Monte Rio on the Russian River, California Shakespearean logo for cottages "weaving spiders do not come here," making it difficult to get there for the details, it is strange that journalists are prohibited from entering the club! ".
-nchert Mother magazine Jones on page 28 in its edition of the sixth day of August, 1981, a partial list of prominent members of the club are: "George Shultz, Stephen Bechtel, Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, Farid Al Hartley, Merv Griffin, Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, ie W. Clausen, George W. Bush, William Smith, John E. Soerengtin, Casper W. and Enberkir, Justin Dart, William Simon, no, hundreds of prominent politicians and businessmen! ".
-kathi O'Brien and Mark Phillips wrote in a book form US coma pages of 1-170: "perception to the orchard Albohiman that it is not just sugar and unlimited use of alcohol and drugs with the mysterious tones and gay, but there are more serious activities, kidnapping, rape and sex with kids, sodomy, murder ritual, and the illegal detention of children, has been banned investigation under the national security Act of 1947, and for decades there has been a mysterious and strange rumors about the ongoing in the orchard events such rituals as walking in procession and chanting slogans owl bone -mulukh Moloch - and burn corpses, and there are dozens of men work as maids in Albohemia! ".
-zkrt Community newspaper in July 1993: "The Legend of Moloch worship Canaan in an orchard Albohiman, are pagan worship Moloch sacrifice a human sacrifice, in the middle of 1980, there were rumors of killings in the remote areas of the property, local police went to investigate about therefore, according to the victim of the observer and the near Van there are rooms and sanctuaries in the internal Buhiman and even trims confidential and there is an underground lounge reading (sign spelled uNderground) in addition to dark rooms and room Mjamah dead! ".
Disclaimer: Moloch or Molech Moloch is the god of the Phoenicians, register historically many cultures throughout the Middle East, including the culture of the Ammonites, culture and Hebrew Canaanite, Phoenician, and also the cultures of the Levant and North Africa. Moloch was a god with a tendency to evil, and it does not please him nothing but sacrifices the children, which was the ancient Phoenicians, Jews, they bring him to picky, children are burning near the altar and bring them to him as an offering, according to the rites of the time.
The infiltration of Alex Jones and Mike Hanson of the orchard in 2000:
Director "Alex Jones" and his cameraman, "Mike Hanson," we were able to sequence within the grove Albohiman with Kamrtin digit Khvatin on the fifteenth of July 2000, Jones and Hanson were preparing a film on the burning at concerts, Icoljones that the burning process was under the old Canaanite care was satanic closer to the God of the Canaanites (Baal) in Palestine and Babylon, the secret decrees of religion and magic, where he produced a movie in channel four US titled "secret rulers of the world," and described his adventure as was the center of extremists and strange for the rulers of the world to spend times their holidays Alsifahvi this "orchard secret satanic, "among the rituals is the resurrection of care and have sex with each other," homosexuality-to Oath "on a regular basis, and pointed out that some of the men dressed in women's clothes while pouring liquor freely with some Japanese lanterns that glow celebrations at the club, then sit member (s) until late on blankets laid on Apr inventory is made of red wood, according to the American director.
Disclaimer: I have a god Baal, the most important ancient Canaanites in Syria, and they considered the god warrior, this filmed gunman, and the Phoenicians they see the sun god has taken them to the worship of Carthage in North Africa, where they called the god Baal Hamon.
It is also their gods Ishtar and Bloch and Adonis, and it was the god Baal storms, rain and fertility, and was named in Altnach, and in the Holy Quran: "And leave Otdon Baala Best of creators," the great truth of God-Saaffat any 125.
Prominent members of the club:
Among the most prominent members of fame which according to US media, they are the family of George W. Bush, including George HW Bush and George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan and Richard Wilson and Mikhail Gorbachev and Ernest Lawrence and Alan Greensan and White Eisenhower and Robert Novak and Arnold Hoarznegrodak Cheney and Henry Kissinger and the president of Harvard University, and representatives for Standard Oil and General Electric and Douglas Brinkley company historian at Rice University and Mikhail Ormacost ambassador to the US in the Philippines and Joel Klein adviser Education and Reza Aslan author at the University of California and Gary Smith, academic director of the US in Berlin and Thomas Metz retired US general who specializes in the defeat of the IED as a weapon of influence strategic and Michael Mullen, CEO of Malin space Science systems, has met neighborhoods of these members with more than three thousand other personal in the orchard during the period from the sixteenth of July until the first of August 2010, under the booklet orchard Albohiman.
Researcher "Howard Ratcliffe Howard Ratcliffe":
Howard Ratcliffe conducted intensive search around the orchard Albohiman religious in it, rituals and disseminate late 2010 on the Internet, Ratcliffe says: "2000 Men world's rich and powerful spend two weeks in an orchard Albohiman and practicing rituals Canaanite in the atheist th July 2008, in an era gone by 2300 years ago or just a saint name Red and stopped George W. Bush and Barack Obama and John McCain did have something intriguing, Valhecion who lived in Syria since 3000 BC in the same period in which housing fathers cousins ​​Sumerians of Mesopotamia worshiped a god named Santa Fe groves on Mount Hermon -iqsd Paljolan- Mount Hermon in the north of Israel, "according to Howard.
Adds Howard: "practice games that endless of dominoes and lectures on new military nuclear arms and the words" hello, Jinx in paradise systems "and the flames engulfing forty feet of metal owl known as Moloch, and statues of the goddess Isis and the Egyptian goddess Artemis Greek, Buddha, dressed in women's clothing, such as Roma nomads of Iran and India border areas who have entered Europe and the words "hello, Jinx plays" knows Aryans mixed with the Persian empire and the priests of the Magi and the Medes, which, it seems the term impact on the kings of the world, such as Sargon first and Sargon II and the Greek philosophers and others, or movies like Star Trek, which depends on destruction from the inside, we call today the naming of these priests of the new world order, "according to Howard.
Says Howard: "Every nation has gained God Kacommrion, Babylon, etc., many of whom he offers his children to the fire, and the harvest of souls to their gods were providing 150,000 thousand Iraqis in 1991, it took place the massacre of civilians in Lebanon in July 2006 when he was in 2000 than the Bohemians in the orchard and a similar harvest of souls, and occurred when Christopher Columbus set sail on his journey from slaughter to the new world, and killed one of the ten million cONTINENTAL after the murder of Franz Ferdinand in 1914, "according to Howard.
Adds Howard: "the most presumed they were Christians in Albohiman are Bush and Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower and Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell and Arnold Schwarzenegger's family, and also known as Ashkenazi Jews descendants of Japheth and are often referred to as a shaman, or magicians as well, it is expected that the Jews worship God and not idolatry in orchards or pass their children through the fire and sacrifice them to Molech, Vmojtmat Bohemian famous for attracting gay from all over the world and this mainly Roma culture and everything is permitted and should be destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, a cause of concern, "according to Howard.
Complements Howard: "Communist Mikhail Gorbachev go out there and Reagan gave him one of the most expensive pieces of real estate, Russia provide Iran with nuclear materials and advanced cruise missiles and torpedoes!", According to Howard.
Adds Howard: "For 6,000 years elite men themselves imagined to be chosen" race "of the" giants "as described in the Bible, the new Bibles changed the word" Giant Giant "to the word" the Nephilim, "which means" fall "in Hebrew, these dupes believe they are demons half breeds, owl represents the mother goddess starting yelling Kabbalist "Lilith" to curses and Hathor and Isis and Samir Amis and Ishtar and Osturat, "according to Howard.
Says Howard, "the word" Grove "refers to a small wooded area was created for educational purposes of" Kraft ", led by priests and priestesses of Wicca, a month pagan religion New surfaced in 1954, and the image of an orchard Albohiman like fish because the kings of fishermen Phoenicians were born aloft" Hiram " Royalty-Canaanite, "according to Howard.
Howard adds: "complete the foundation for them is derived from the Temple of Solomon engineer" Hiram my father, "and all these rituals began in Sumeria as" holy matrimony ", the philosophy is Zoroastrianism because priests are of the Magi," according to Howard.

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