Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How to get rid of the moisture walls

Causes the moisture of the most annoying problems faced by many of the buildings is the problem of moisture, and humidity have multiple causes arise through it and causes of moisture, and its source is atmospheric humidity and internal humidity that arise as a result of the absorption of the walls from moisture trauma, especially through the osmotic property where there is no wall in the world will not be exposed to moisture and everyone is exposed to moisture, but in different proportions and therefore remains the problem of moisture haunt everyone because they lead to the mustiness and health problems threaten human health, so it is necessary to eliminate the moisture to the walls, and there are many ways to get rid of moisture walls of which : ways to get rid of the moisture isolating walls from the inside: methods of isolating walls used to prevent moisture from the most important ways to get rid of the moisture is to use sheets of polystyrene conjoined sheets of gypsum and called Jpsonbord, and affixed to walls exposed to moisture using a special kind of special cement adhesives vary. This method is effective in isolating moisture fully reflect where the heat from the inside and outside, and by the summer and the winter, except for its function in isolation of moisture provide economical finishing of the walls and is an inexpensive way financially. Some people are covered colored ceramic wall and this prevents full of moisture and expensive process as well. Isolation from the outside walls: When the walls of the house is attached to a house easily isolated from moisture, where the wall is sprayed from the outside with Alzfth and then used the plastering again or using stone and paste the entire walls become a front of the house and the stone facade. If the house is connected with another house and there is a vacuum between them are simple to use rock wool in bridging this gap and then pressed for a way stones and cement, and thus we have our own good insulator from moisture. Treatment walls: from processing prone to moisture walls roads are cracking surface portion of the wall where the wall parts of the show from the inside, and then is added to a mixture of cement foam with coils made of mineral wool, where this combination is working on thermal insulation inside the wall and thus prevents moisture intrusion the outside walls. Or the use of polypropylene or Aorthian Alzfth material in filling voids of the wall from the inside and then re Bleacher wall painted again and again. Advisable to use adhesive covering the entire surface of the wall and then re-painted is how one of the best insulation methods used.
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