Monday, April 18, 2016

The beginning of the fall of America.

By: Yahya Abu Zakaria
All measurements upon which strategic experts suggest that the United States of America on the verge of a cultural and political downfall, which paves the way for the emergence of other powers, including the Islamic force, and these standards in a very precise as it is based on realistic indicators of contemporary and historical indicators is the completion of the West, led by the United States American cycle of civilization that stretches based on an extrapolation of the almost complete for five centuries - the Western Renaissance began precisely five centuries ago and is still going on to this day - and all this realism and historical indicators Mrdvh unanimously popular Arab, Islamic and human anti-American policy based on different system serves the party It is one of the United States of America.
And if the United States depends on the imbalance of power in its favor, the fall of civilization is always at the height of the cultural power as he goes to Arnold Toynbee author of the book: the history of mankind.
Civilizational session
The one who smooths consider the movement of history is reflected to him clearly that the most that any civilized Tamrh strength is five centuries, to move the cultural session to another spot they have gathered the terms of the tee and cultural renaissance.
This is already reflected in human history as the Christian school dominated the international scene at the time, for five centuries after the advent of Islam extinct civilization of Rome, which was based on Christianity eliciting a tide of Islam which is subject is one of the laws of history and the laws of God in the universe, has this tide squeezed by well-known researchers to historical circumstances then resumed Romania orientations bounce back, to stumble her career after the opening of Andalusia, then that of the Roman heritage trends regained her breath to fall until the front of the Islamic Ottoman tide.
After that is completed by a tide of its - it must be noted that the Ottoman Empire began to simplify the control of the Islamic territories in the fifteenth century - falling to emit again saturated with the heritage of the intellectual, political and saturated Muslims drawn experiences from the reality of overfilling the events of human experience Western power. And ever since that date, and Western civilization are controlling the course of the cultural, industrial, political, military, technical and security matters.
After this full session in which the West prevailed Vstmil this session to the other, especially if we know that the conditions for transfer this session has begun available in the waiting role in directing contemporary human civilization. Many Western intellectuals have been able to reach this result Krobinson and Bertrand Russell and Ronnie Dubbo and Roger Garaudy and Ronnie Jinnah and others.
Great imbalance
Her greatest haunt the United States - and talk about them includes allied with them in the Western bloc - is the lack of balance in its renaissance, instead of being concerned with human beings as the essence was interested in doing a show, making advanced technology reached by going in adrift of civilization, and this would be presented not only America but the entire humanity to the overall process of extinction.
This lack of balance was born deformed planning, as America harnessed thousands of billions of dollars to support the armaments and military arsenal at the expense of other social areas and this is what produced a poor class in American society has become with the passage of days to a ticking time bomb in the face of major US highly leveraged companies in US policy.
Political stalemate
There is no doubt that the American policy based on constants and variables, and sometimes the constants lead to a political stalemate as long as they rely on military force, which is the need to strengthen political decision.
This logic, though useful in some stages, but as the days pass and with the changing international circumstances, it becomes a burden on the owners, because in the finale path find America itself strong on one side and a whisk in a hundred other aspects, not least because of the former Soviet Union, which relied on military armament to find himself without bread at the end of the day, such as Algeria or adopted in the era of Houari Boumediene on neglected agriculture, heavy industry finds itself in the end with no industry or agriculture.
This measurement may be argued with a difference considering that the United States marked its development plan integration and that is what makes all economic fields in a privileged position, but that this is becoming a sign if America followed the curriculum is that taken by it, as is well known that employers farms destroyed the plants million of tons of grain and wheat in order to preserve the well-known market prices, As long as an adult's interest are taken into account, things might reflect negatively on America.
Internal indicators fall
Many internal factors nominate America's rapid fall in the future are summarized, including the following:
Redskins: known to the Indians and to this day are demanding political and social rights, and if the conflict formerly among Native American and intruders population it is in the form of a guerrilla killed wholesale by intruders Indians indigenous to America, but it is today enrolled in the form of political blocs and organizations American Indian embarrassed the United States at home and abroad, the United States, which claims the protection of minorities and the support of human rights - the other face of the American intervention in safe states - but they did not heed to the demands of the American Indians who are still protesting the US policy towards them and their congregations still in America, specifically in the West US circulating tales of exotic crime gangs in the right of grandparents. The conflict between the indigenous people and outsiders on the American candidate to emerge at any moment because its factors still exist, and this has lead to the creation of a huge gap in the American social structure has been the US military's arsenal is another reason for the extermination of people carrying the American identity.
Black Power
What remains in the black continent usurped banned from many political rights, and can not, and despite the American democracy, which turned into a recital accept the existence of a black person in the White House, which monopolized Moor all of the men of the decision in America.
And what dark force still subjected to assaults by racist organizations calling for the need to take out those of America and sent back to Africa.
Recorded official circles severe attacks cautiously to blacks by whites, and vice versa, and security men became involved in the murder of young blacks, sparking dozens of demonstrations black angry on the American administration, and this disruption, ethnic conflict and chromatography candidate for further dilation says US sociologists.
Adult conflict
Say: Who knows about the intense conflict and hidden between powerful companies that control the US economy and the economies of the Third World, and Massadik this conflict lies in political fusion between financial empires, with some supporting the Republican Party and others supporting the Democratic Party and the other supports the Zionist lobby and their relationship coalition document, and spread this conflict to outside the US map and all financial empire have a strategic vision of how management policies and economies, particularly in the Arab and Muslim world, where great wealth, and the irony is that every multinational company that owns strategic center experts in strategy and geopolitics operates. The conflicting interests of adults to reflect on the official political game, often overlapping with petrodollars, money and confiscation in general.
American state crimes
The prevalence of crime spectacularly in the United States demonstrates the terrible refraction in American society, and the class in this society velvet.
Despite the actions taken to reduce the phenomenon of crimes, but that all the procedures have been unsuccessful, has exacerbated this class to turn into a social revolution, as happened in France, the French Revolution, was Karl Marx was able to diagnose the capital ultimate when it pointed out that capitalist societies arise on the status quo, but Karl Marx was wrong when he said that the result of this capitalist societies, and when it arises on the end of capitalism to Marxism and who died would hind capitalism to death affair. The aggravation of the class does not distinguish the general situation in the United States only, but has become a daily concern in Europe as well, and such an outcome inevitable in a society that lacks a minimum balance of justice, and does not recognize the poor and outcasts, but the life of the most powerful, as Nietzsche once said. Cries of the oppressed in America, Europe and the Third World has also converge, an indicator of schizophrenia bile between the political leadership in America and backed by business and the downtrodden classes. If Gtt American public opinion have directed their attention to the international political arena it will come the day when Almshoukon turns in America to their reality and protesting against it vigorously.
External indicators fall
While World War II was a help to America in the annexation of Europe it, the conditions now changed might lead to a complete divorce between Europe and America, where Europe began to speak out, condemning the attempts of American domination in the political, economic and cultural fields, and a united Europe project carries with it the will of the secede from America, which monopolized industry all global decisions, and if Europe managed to frame itself will America lose a lot of vitality in Europe, and economic rivalry between Japan and America candidate that turns into a political conflict because the Japanese flowing economic power to dictate them to exploit the economic factor to influence the World politics, just a reminder, the relationship between America and Europe at the beginning of the day and then turned to the economic political and military influence.
The United States has not been able yet to penetrate China's depth and China still wary of American political, economic and military activity in the Asian continent.
The world Alasalama For his part, appeared to him clearly that America is targeting the absorption of its bounty and drafted again. What this world still suffer the negative effects of American pragmatism trends based on emptying the Islamic world of the ingredients intellectual and physical renaissance.
America and the Zionist entity
We took advantage of the Zionist entity of the Jewish lobby influential in the United States, and learned many of the American Christian organizations beginning to recognize the Zionist threat to America itself and the Christian doctrine, and started talking about the risks to be Christians an orientation ideological and political, has this Christian trends intervention awakening in conflict politician with the Jewish lobby in America is reflected fluctuations on the American political process.
The disintegration of the social structure in America
Can not the people of hybrids to continue homogeneity, especially in the absence of the doctrine and one in which all ethnic differences, the United States of America fused the people prevails spaced parties that the people who make up the different migrations from various European, African and Asian regions, and this ethnic spacing accompanied by religious and ideological divergence, as that the United States is almost similar to India in the number of religions, sects and currents of intellectual and philosophical prevailing, the only one that still maintains the cohesion between the races of the American people and the thing is economic interest, and any real economic weakness in the United States may reflect negatively on the cohesion of races there.
Unexpected disasters
Earthquakes and volcanoes experts confirms that the United States would be in the coming years to some of the natural disasters as it is located in a line along the 40 Territories in this line will see a terrible seismic activity in the coming years. If we add to these disasters an imminent as familiar in America from serious diseases and deadly, America will be a candidate to also hit the sky, and we can not exclude the promises of the Lord's judge at the end of injustice and tyranny, whether Sunan al-nature or other factors, and shows the Koran in the past two stories that there is a direct correlation between exacerbate the injustice and the fall of civilization is certain, often linking the Koran among the injustice of princes and fall of nations.

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