Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The history of the Mafia

The history of the Mafia from the thirteenth century, with the invasion of the French to the territory of the Italian Sicily in 1282 after the corruption of the regime in France, where it was formed in the island a secret organization to fight the invaders and whose motto: Morte alla francia Italia anela)) and in Arabic means (the death of the French is the cry of Italy) came the word mafia from the first letter of each word in this slogan and has become a symbol to this organization. But the history of another point of view, with some mafia bosses, led by Jobonano who describes himself as always in his memoirs a man of honor is worth mentioning that the beginning of the Mafia was the culmination of the rebellion and disobedience, which appeared Bcecila after the establishment of a French invaders of abducting and raping an Italian girl on her wedding night in the Holiday Easter Monday in 1282 sparking the fire of revenge in the hearts of Italians, which straddle the flames from one city to another. And they have to kill a large number of French at the time, in revenge for the honor slain in this holy day and it was their motto in this holy day and it was their motto at the time was hysterical cry that became a reluctant mother this girl a place in the streets Kalmjnonh where the frequency mafia mafia my daughter my daughter. In fact, a lot of mafia bosses prefer this interpretation of the word mafia because it Nabil meaning makes the Mafia, in fact, a group for the defense of honor and sanctities, although it gained later described criminality and went Organization of murder, bloodshed and blackmail wealthy. There are many other allegations refer to the origin of the word mafia which makes it difficult to determine especially the modern Mafia is not the Mafia in Sicily, which appeared a long time ago. As for the Mafia in America it began with the departure of Italians who belong to the Mafia in Sicily to the United States. As far as real life Vlela more than half a century where it began to show the mafia with the modern American character, which began scrapes from the character of the Mafia in Sicily and ancient traditions.
American mafia and the Jewish fingerprints: initially due to the death of another Mafia boss Salvatore Marranzano old accident and called by Lucky Luciano in 1931 with the help of the Jewish butcher Meyer Lansky with some of his men. Has fed Luciano mafia Sicily and its leaders and the old traditions which they felt did not represent the obstacles to the start of the Mafia to its primary objective, which must always be sought by whatever price it is access to wealth and money Among these traditions is the sanctification of the old mafia for some values ​​Kacharf, dignity and loyalty Although the heads of the criminal intentions were working to establish these traditions inherited from thinking of raising money. Also built the old Mafia device based very complicated and has been associated with the old society in Sicily also Fraay Luciano this point when configured for groups of modern Mafia and completely separated from its roots in Sicily. In fact, the new American mafia are considered Jewish character first and foremost, more than it belongs to the Italians thanks to the footprint of the Jewish butcher Meyer Lansky obvious in modern mafia seeking for money and power attributes and crawl to new areas at all costs. And talk about the Mafia may be confused by some of the myths and legends, no one even close to the period of time he knew a lot about the fact that the Mafia has been ignoring for a long period of time by highlighting them lately. But some historians mention that there is no mafia at all, and this is certainly quite a misconception also mentions some contemporaries that the Mafia has ended and no longer have a presence in the world today and this argument also can not prove the authenticity with certainty and in any case Valmavaa device based on the exploitation not only exploit its victims but also the exploitation of its members and attract them to work in various ways, which always gives it the ability to continue or re-emerge at any time.
Mafia is a very complicated device in its construction begins configured so-called family, which represents the core of the mafia which is about a gang of criminals brought together by blood or marriage Association or sometimes a group of friends and usually each family is what distinguishes them from criminal activity from other families and the leader of the family is the most powerful Ojdarham its members and leadership and to be selected with the consent of the rest of the individuals. Then comes the second stage then in construction, where some families join in similar activity to each other to be together greater unity or greater family led by the most powerful individuals and small groups of families. Then follows this stage join these large families to one family, led by the most powerful leaders of all families. Finally, the entire device is subject to the great pioneer of the Mafia in Sicily, and sometimes you may participate in the leadership more than the commander of recognized competence and long history. Also featuring Mafia device mounted next to the complex intense obedience and loyalty to the heads was the first goal as we have said is to defend the honor and the glory of the ancestors and then comes in second place collecting money and seize the wealth. This simplified description of the installation of the old mafia device in Sicily and characterized the beliefs that differ significantly from modern American mafia which began composition at the hands of the leader big Mavi Lucky Luciano in 1931 after he was able to get rid of the old mafia boss and began the formation of new families to the Mafia in building the simplest complex not linked any connection to the mafia in Sicily. The first goal of the American Mafia is also becoming money and became a murder is the easiest means to get rid of everything that gets in the way towards this goal. Lucky Luciano also saw that everything that was characterized by the Mafia in Sicily of ideas and traditions is just senseless barriers hinder Mafia march toward the goal that must be pursued by whatever price it is money.
Order leadership within the Mafia family ................................
The Chairperson-Boss / Don - head of the family and the most powerful of its members and represents the top of the hierarchy of power, which is separate from the actual operations in several layers of authority, it also receives a portion of the profits of each operation carried out by each member of the family. President is chosen by voting of the heads of groups - "captains" captains - the family, if there was a need to vote Assistant to the President must vote.
Almsaad- Underboss - usually appointed by the president, a "second man" in the family, which is a Captain in charge of the rest of the "captains" family under the chairmanship of the president, the man who leads the presidency in the case of President prison.
Almschar- Consigliere- family counselor, works as an administrator listen and costly to mediate in family disputes, as it is interested in the economic aspect "of the business." They are usually gangsters of little fame who can be trusted, they usually remain family looks legal as far as possible, they are a great deal of legal regardless of gambling on a small or fraud to get money scale.
Kaptn- Capo Capo - is the leader responsible for a group, there is usually of 4-6 groups in each family, each of which consists of a number of soldiers up to 10. Captain manages the affairs of their family from the small, but you must follow orders set by the President, as well as to pay his share of the gains. Captains are nominated by the assistant or the second man, but was originally selected by the president himself.
Ganda- Soldier - are family members "Almsnoaan" which do not belong directly to the family but can only be of Italian descent or Sicilian, and they begin to associate or assistants have proven themselves, and the captain is nominated new soldier usually be a soldier after his admission to the captain, who set nominated.
Assistant Alforeig- Associate- not a member of the family, but their specific tasks, and sometimes they act as a mediator or selling drugs to ward off the danger of the active members. Non-Italians can not reach for most of it for the family.
Months Mafia families:
Among the most famous modern Mafia, which fought the field of criminology deservedly reached the crime beautifully crafted to the highest degrees over the long years of orgies and vice within the United States, the families appeared in the New York Lucky Luciano's family and the family of Joe Bonanno and the family of Albert Anastasia and the family of Joseph Provas also appeared in the Chicago-month crime families a family Capone. The number of individuals in each of the families of the Mafia from other other families may reach me some families such as Lucky Luciano family to about 500 people. Each prime Assistant family of the president and the commander of the soldiers and the soldiers and then a group of hackers rabble and all are receiving instructions from his boss money well managed between them this sequence and the proportions of certain Despite the intense seriousness in implementing the instructions and lack of compassion when the error that the Mafia family is characterized by large with a flexibility when assigning individuals to do the tasks of the operations for every member of the right to discuss the boss to modify or change. the task is characterized by a family from the others in their criminal activities or in some skills such as firing squad and can exchange these skills between families and some of them to do certain tasks that require a certain skill. And ambition in the Mafia device is something that is always a strong catalyst to highlight the competencies Each wants to up the ladder for the job to High Top perhaps command greater power and influence and money as much. Amazingly, that mafia association or organization founded in the United States in the year 1931 called civil crime organization made up members of this organization mainly of Italians, Jews, Irish and this organization founded and the laws of organized and can not get out her thanks in the founding of the crime organization to the Italian leader Mavi Lucky Luciano and the killer Meyer Lansky famous Jewish. Although there is no evidence of the names and enumerate the members of this organization, but it is known that the number of Jewish thugs which outnumber the Mafia Italians The reason for the transmission of the Italians from their country to work in the Mafia in America to poverty and low standard of living as well as find the Jews in America better opportunities to earn a living and what He has been preparing for them in the country of Europe.
Gun mafia:
Unique innovations in the world of crime, this type of guns used by individuals under the mafia for a long period of time and which has always been attributed to the Mafia was called mafia mafia gun or rifle. This consists of Venice from a small, broad hands of the gun barrel amounts to approximately 40 cm in length and its tip bottom broad and very sharp knife so that it can be used. It is a very similar to the form of the saw an end and this gun is also a detailed Sticky between the hand and the pipe so that it can bend pipe hand hand Kalmtoah and thus become small-sized gun, which can be carried inside the jacket. This type of weapon is considered primitive and conventional disarmament to the Mafia in Sicily, and who moved with a lot of Italians to America. Many praises effectiveness of this weapon, whether in death or slaughter in spite of Bdaiath. Certainly the modern Mafia no longer use this kind of conventional arms with the emergence of many media killings that modern weapons cherished Mafia Bapetkarha and associating them.
Direction on the lips:
Is a reference to death in the eyes of the Mafia by a man. If a Mafia rivals or a debtors or a extortionists was the next person to quickly respond to his request and only kill within days. This custom has prevailed for many years in the history of the Mafia has used this reference to the death of many of the families of the Mafia did not express a contempt and disdain for this method, such as Lucky Luciano rebellious always both traditions. When he was the leader of the Mafia in New York in 1931 ordered all the men of the Mafia not to use this signal also forbade them to kiss each other when a handshake was of the view that this method can provoke terror in the hearts of some of their friends from the old Mafia who traditionally understand the direction signal murder.
Notorious mafia Barbadtha Alford black with a classic character, which was used in both the Mafia operations due Space in the innovation and manufacture of this vehicle on a Chicago criminals Phil Alderizio which took into account when designed to provide them with whatever serves the crime. Vachtml <Tableau> trolley on three transformers two of which was used to separate the rear lights of the vehicle until the police vehicles are not able to follow the vehicle during the night. The third converter was used to open and close the special Court of keeping weapons were attached to space with the back of the chair where the front of the vehicle is placed inside rifles, machine guns, pistols and knives. I Cart Besides high speed was an easy starting to disappear from the scene in seconds. Despite the fact that the equipment that caused the vehicle became substandard next to modern technology, however, much of the press has praised them in a short period of time and considered to have an important role in the Mafia trip with crime, spreading this model of cars in the streets of Chicago and then commonly used after that in other states. It's interesting that the American police adorned Mafia then became used similar vehicles to vehicles during the Mafia police duties.
The most dangerous mafia bosses ...................
Alphonse Al Capone ..........
Italian nationality, was born in 1899, his family emigrated from Italy to America, he studied even elementary sixth chapter of the school to the large number of assaulting teachers.
It dawned star Al Capone when he was expelled from school and chose the path of crime after
The student of criminology philosopher / Lucky Luciano ...
Yes culprit was the leader, he was honest generous to all around him ..
Mafia philosopher / Lucky Ocheanoa ...........
Lucky Ocheanoa Born in Italy, he emigrated with his family to the United States in 1906, says his Al Capone: The Lucky Ocheanoa is the philosopher of crime who studied under his hands, Aflaki to Ocheanoa considers Mafia first spiritual father of the most famous and most influential of Al Capone ..
As a youngster was the first activity he is blackmailed Jewish students in America (Agvsm and takes their money), to impose a tax on them to protect them from any harm when they leave their schools and colleges, he imposes a tax does not have mercy on one who makes late push, he has been very heavy-handed and ruthless ..
The fact that his organization at the beginning of five of his closest friends, and after a few years, get rid of them all for the renewal of blood in the gang !! .. but hides some of the information that they will retain !! ..
Feign problems between other gangs FDP rivalry between them, and when they remained in the arena and one band spent its leader / Marranzano Salvador, to keep his gang are the strongest and fiercest in America ..
After being seized Lucky Ocheanoa most of the criminal gangs in America, he changed the structure and organize gangs, change in its goals and enter the renewal, enter a variety of nationalities, including to make up the mixed system and very difficult ..
During the outbreak of World War II, America needed services Lucky Ocheanoa the Italian resident on its territory, and who was imprisoned because of one case, he enjoys strong relations with all his original gangs Italy, Vshl important American armies within the Italian territory and supplied them with intelligence information ..
So was offering compensation to Lucky Luciano unrivaled service in World War II directed from prison to live in Italy, his hometown, continuing his work in the leadership of the Mafia under the glare of European countries and the United States.
Stayed Lucky Ocheanoa after returning from America, his organization runs a very long years, and had global prestige even grew up in age .. then began displays and writes his autobiography in all its details in newspapers around the world dependent on the administration of criminal organizations ..
Lucky Ocheanoa died in 1962 after a heart attack at Naples airport,
His body was transferred to the United States based on his will.
Thus ended the life of a philosopher Mafia, having moved from a life of poverty for the life of wealth was called Balthair because vendetta against regulations old Mafia and renewed it, and has introduced new laws, and has gained respect for the men of the other bands he does not betray, and when he wants to kill one of the men gang was informing him of the deadline before days from the date of the murder.
_ in the pictures .....
Lucky Ocheanoa
Alphonse Al Capone
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