Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Italian city of Pompeii God made them a lesson and verse

Italian city of Pompeii ............
God Almighty verses in the lower ones mentioned in the Koran for folks disobeyed God revealed his anger on them, such as people who returned and Thamood and sodomites.
Sodomites did not last creation corrupt, and perhaps the closest and made them God's lesson and verse were the people of the village of "Pompeii Pompeii" totaling 200,000 inhabitants, one of the Italian cities located on the Mediterranean Sea near the city of "Nibbles" Italian, was inhabited during the reign of the Emperor "Nero" , which is still subject to restoration to reveal a lot of humanity and architectural secrets.
"Pompeii" is now a tourist attraction, having remained in limbo until the eighteenth century when he discovered the effects of "Pompeii" and found parts of the bodies of fossilized, was discovered in Italy in 74 AD, and was one of the ancient cultural cities before they perish completely is another town nearby called "Herculaneum" after being destroyed by a volcano "Vsaovios" in a strange way, the meditator in the story of this village will not find it just a story from the stories of history or a historical record of the Artifacts are rare, but they carry a lesson to those who considered.
I have a "Pompeii" was a thriving civilization and coins, and she stood on Mount extinct volcano, and most of the population of the wealthy, and appeared on the city's landmarks, was the streets are paved with stones and the public baths and water systems up to the houses, as was the seaport sophisticated and was out theaters and markets, and their tracks showed the evolution of the arts through engravings and drawings walls.
This city is famous for "adultery" the love of her family desires, and was there the brothels everywhere, scattered small rooms to practice immorality has only a mattress.
The people of the village of "Pompeii" were practicing "adultery" and homosexuality even with animals, openly in front of children in every place and denounce the gloss, and suddenly they burst volcano Vobad entire village.
It is worth mentioning that this volcano erupted again in 1944, which claimed the 19 thousand people, the researchers say, that the explosion of the volcano in 74 AD was the second blast times and lasted about 19 hours when they decimated the entire city.
The city buried and has been for 1,700 years under a large amount of ash, and remained so for long centuries even found one of the engineers through his work in the canal area, and discovered the city after being covered volcanoes and everything stayed on his condition during that period after it hit the entire city torment and completely decimated .
During the exploration has been detected dead bodies on the ground, and the surprise was that they appeared on the same their bodies and their forms, after the volcanic ash solution to living cells moist place to appear on the form of the bodies of concrete, and decimated God Almighty, like what they are.
Cons A Archaeologists called "Pauloa Btheron" and the world of volcanoes, "Joe will meet" the people of the village were informed wave lane of fiery ash reaches a temperature of 500 Celsius, very quickly, covering seven miles to the beach, show corpses on the bodies were petrified bodies as they are , some of which appeared asleep and another sitting and others are sitting on the sea shore and all Bahmanm conditions and flesh.
When the volcano erupted ash rose to nine miles into the sky and out of him a large amount of heartwarming, and scientists say that the amount of energy caused by the volcanic eruption more than the largest nuclear bomb and then falling ash on them like rain and buried under 75 feet.
After the work of many research on the 80 bodies of people of the village scientists it has found that there is no one body show any sign of preparedness to protect itself, or even to escape, not one of them showed any reaction, even simple, the more likely they died very quickly, without any opportunity to act, and all this happened in less than a fraction of a second.
People of "Pompeii" They draw pornographic pictures on the walls of their homes in front of women and children and adults, even if researchers today believe that the art of pornography has started in this city.
The city of Pompeii Mtervo enjoy watching wrestling between humans and predators, which ends the death of one of them, and were killed in this way a lot of the Unitarian Christians for nearly 2000 years ago.
Now that the city has become a tourist attraction for tourists, some areas are prohibited for children less than 18 years because of the entry of pornography graphics, especially on some of the buildings and bathrooms that had been fun for its customers.
It is noteworthy that "Pompey" caught the eyes of many personalities throughout history and especially a fan of the arts, but has had King Francis I of Naples to attend the Pompeii exhibition at the National Museum with his wife and daughter in 1819, shocked by what he saw of the graphics and considered art bold and contrary to respect for public morals.
Some images have not been published in order to preserve morals and we do not catch the insults ..

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