Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Gregory Rasputin

Gregory Rasputin .................
Was this man really fall behind the throne of Tsarist Russia and the end of the rule of the Romanovs?
First of January of 1917 floated body of a man frozen to Niava water surface under the Petrovsky Bridge in Petersburg, and it was difficult to identify the owner, and later found to be the body of the worst clerics reputation in history .. the guy who people consider the power of evil superhero inside the tsarist government Russian, hundreds of thousands have died because of the government deficit under control. In the opinion of many members of the upper class in Russian society, this man was indeed the source of all the problems of Tsarist Russia. As for his enemies it was the embodiment of evil that destroyed all who dared to stand in his way to power dependent method of killing and corruption, undermining the reputation of the Romanov dynasty .. which later led to the deposed and executed after Russia ruled for three hundred years .. and they leave change history Russia forever.
In a remote village in the depths of Siberia born Gregory Avemovic Rasputin in the January 22, 1869, he was born Nhsa on his family. In the second ten-year-old ate a fire at his home and his mother died, and shortly afterwards he was playing on the bank of the river with his brother Michel, when swept away by the river which killed Michelle died the Rasputin Vtm rescued by one of the peasants remained in a coma some thought he would not get away with it, but he woke up from his coma and enjoys spiritual visions of strange and wonderful abilities to heal the wounds as soon as you touch it. And while the teen married and the fact that family, and that was a turbulent phase of his life, as he joined some of the robbers and became their leader, then quickly immersed himself in the life of debauchery and drinking alcohol, and therefore has earned the name "Rasputin", which means in Russian reprobate immoral.
Rasputin was a burly, tall, broad chest, his two arms are strong, but Rahta his hands as if they were Vkanta Claban iron from excessive strength. The female jades are attracted to the animal Bedouin tremendous easily, in fact, was the looks window eyes penetrate the depths of the women Vtzn one of them as the enchanted him .. do not they are really enchanted .. going stolen the will to Malk monster to bow in front of his feet, a shiver, but that men themselves not to find someone in the same capacity to cope with Rasputin and stare at him long, they were bowing their heads and close their eyes in front of their eyes quickly those hidden power that radiate from the piece mysterious man.
People in the village started to trade on the marvels of the dignities Rasputin. At one point deficit doctor for healing one of the patients until almost perish, he sent people to seek this charming went to her bed and raised his hands to the sky artificial landing revelation, stretching his hands Pray spastic on the woman's body, and taking in the recitation of the prayers in strange .. There has been a miracle .. probably by magnetic suggestion .. she got up from her bed women's spirit and become like Rkdh sent from death into life activity. Rasputin was to also have the ability to detect thefts and directed thief among people at first sight.
Rasputin went to church and the priest used his mental strength hacks to convince the priest that gives him the ancient priestly garments and with forged certificate to prove he was a monk in the church and this can collect donations from all the neighboring villages.
Supernatant and Rasputin in the long journey to the villages of Siberia, there are known to a secret sect called "Hallista" The combine piety and debauchery, and formed ideas that al-Qaida was based upon "Rasputin" practices later.
This was the sect believes heresy to draw closer to God through sin, in the sense that man must dive to a depth of sin in order to understand the meaning of true repentance and gets salvation. The word "Hallisty" meaning the executioners, where his followers whipped themselves until they reach the state of starchy overwhelming and then begin collective sex and drinking wine appears to them after the piece spiritual insights, these rituals take place in secret, in secret places within the forests and valleys because they were forbidden and strongly fights by men Church and police.
Rasputin toured throughout Russia pilgrims as he claims, he was able to make a name for himself as a spiritual, Vonthal role insured Shafi and claimed to spoil rural women by pious, possessed the arguments of special methods to address the minds, Vodhy convince anyone that if he wanted to repent, he should exercise the sin first, and was considered the same way that others which to make mistakes, and has already signed many women in Fajh, and did not take long until brought this serious mental makeup, "Rasputin" to the capital Petersburg is in the fourth and thirty years of age.
In the spring of 1903 was universally Petersburg city a vibrant place, and in the councils and Sallonatha rumors began to spread about a young man named "Rasputin" has strongly intriguing heal.
When the "Rasputin" arrived in Petersburg was the appearance primitive, he was wearing a leather coat and boots villager shirt smelled closer to the goat smell, his hair tousled black and long, black beard thick and dirty, and he divides his hair in the middle and Asarhh on his forehead to hide apparently after wounding .. but some say that he was hidden centuries! .. And they liken the devil, and they used to say that his eyes are like kind person possessed.
In fact, what was the villager Gulf like Rasputin that highlights the famed not for the sensitive conditions that were experienced by Russia at this stage of its history, during the early years of the twentieth century Russia was suffering from internal clutter and external threat, and it was rich and noble people seeking entertainment and tampering indifferent the poor and disaster besetting the country. The church was searching among the general public about a man who has a real spiritual power .. and even the tsarist government was looking for people on the lines of Rasputin to confer on the same kind of divine authority .. Thus the reputation of Rasputin as a missionary, in addition to rumors about his abilities hacks, had been preceded by to the city and paved the way for him to reach the nobles and wealthy families salons.
Rasputin found its way easily to the boards of the upper bourgeoisie in the city, there is a removable woman named "Aogalukina" was suffering from an incurable disease, doctors treated a deficit, but Rasputin discovered that her illness is linked to the roots of depression has convinced her of the need possession of her soul and her body in order to be treated .. I have succeeded resounding success of treatment! .. And so it became "Aogalukina" Rasputin's mistress and began to learn reading, writing and etiquette, and then submitted it to her friends Alcontissat Vanbhern him also, and soon became famous for his ability to read the future superstar look through the eye.
In early November 1905, in the palace of a nobleman, the first encounter between the "Rasputin" Czar "of Nicholas II," and his wife, Czarina "Alexandra", and took Rasputin happened to talk without any cost or formalized to the Tsar, which it highly vulnerable It tells them about the dark life harsh in Siberia and the poverty and misery of ordinary people and infinite patience .. and the presence of God in all the events of the day and small, and how God gave him the spiritual power to heal the most intractable diseases.
The heir to the throne only child, "Alexei" suffering from a rare and serious illness and incurable at the time, a Hemophilia, named (hemophilia), in the sense that any bleeding caused by a small wound will not coagulate the blood and will remain blood coming out continuously, leading the life of the patient. The Czarina need to be cured of her son because she was the reason for bringing Hemophilia to the family, "Romanov", as inherited from her grandmother, Queen Victoria of England, and she saw in her son's illness a punishment from God.
In the year 1906 was "Rasputin" call to the Palace of the Tsar to see whether its capabilities healing useful or not, and it was for his arrival calming effect wondrous the Czarina that was in Hustrah case and she thought that her son will not be cured only by a miracle, and without seeing the little crown prince assured Rasputin Czarina said that her son's disease is not dangerous then went to the baby's room where he was lying in bed, and that the touching "Rasputin" child even stop the bloodshed in the case .. it seems that he used magnetic hypnotherapist in the child's treatment .. and after the piece became Rasputin frequency the palace is getting more and more, and resulted in an incident in 1912 to consolidate its position in the palace, where the Czarina ride the horse with the prince, "Alexei," her son, who fell from his horse and suffered bleeding and lifeblood drained, and because Rasputin was traveling away from the capital at the time, the Czarina sent a telegram to rush his return. Rasputin has responded to Czarina reply telegram in which he said: "God listened to the prayers and saw tears Therefore, your child is going to die, but doctors Tell Bala Azajunh much my situation this telegram above his head."
Indeed Czarina took the telegram and put it on the Prince And there was a miracle and stop the bleeding! .. And this incident led to the consolidation of the presence of Rasputin in the palace. After that guaranteed the protection of Czarina that you do not see one else do not hear the other one began Rasputin violating all the rules of chastity and honor, it was those with dual personality. After he was praying fervently for the healing of the prince he would go directly to the house of prostitution, and was boasting of sexual abilities as much as he brags the spiritual abilities. Singing was a star who knew the fame overnight became not know what to do with his money and fame. The touring aristocrats homes and enjoy insulting those who are above him standing, and was up by its command to talk to the ladies and act with them a humiliating and dirty manner .. The irony is that all the women were Atqubln everything from him and they do everything they are asking of them has the form undoubtedly a source of fascination has not delivered any a woman from his actions.
Rasputin divided his time between the apartments wealthy and between his work weekly in the palace, and shortly after became a resident of the ward's Czarina after he persuaded the Tsar that this monk is estimated that protects everyone, and it was "Rasputin" The role of the private adviser and guardian of secrets, and it is clearly the rest of its existence so much, and the most important reasons for this is due to the impact pacifier in her son the prince, but Ptqrb Rasputin more and more of the Czarina was natural to increase the number of haters and conspirators him, he robbed the man their status, but one could not show a hostile attitude to Rasputin, because all of the reaction the piece was demobilized from his job immediately.
Government seats have filled Besaida wealth and incompetent and most of them were willing to pay large sums of money to Rasputin to stay in office, the impact of Rasputin in the tsarist court was increasing day after day and became able to do anything such as the appointment bishop and isolate another, until he was appointed prime ministers and isolate them later.
The last hope to stop this corruption was commenting on the presence of the Ministry of sincere, he was prime minister, "Peterstalin" has already collect a lot of evidence against Rasputin, he wants to prove to the czar and his wife that this man notorious manipulator, he gathered a huge file scandals Rasputin, and proven file that Rasputin Wicked and he is able to make the Tsar and his wife Dolls driven whatever he wants. People thought the existence of a sexual relationship between Rasputin and the Czarina.
And after he saw the Tsar information presented to his wife, who claimed it was just lies and Rasputin, persecuting the case if the Saints .. not going period until the assassinated prime minister, "Peterstalin" shot him in the Opera House while attending a presentation with the Tsar, his wife, and slide the worst enemies came back. " Rasputin "strongly to the fore and punished all the ministers ensued chaos and instability in the heart of lean government. And he filled Petersburg newspapers with stories of rape victims and pictures depicting a bear and scandalous was Rasputin-centered, of course, in one postcard image of Rasputin show he stands behind the Czarina and his hand over her chest, and his hand here indicate tyranny and Rasputin is the one who holds all of the Russian state capabilities through control of the Czarina.
In this bad situation of the Russian State entered the war with the German beast was filled with newspapers quickly the names of the dead soldiers .. and committed Tsar fatal mistake when he left the capital and joined to the front to lead the army and leaving the Czarina "Alkessandra" to monitor the performance of the ministers, but not the job alone, but helped her "Rasputin" where He became an adviser to her, since this stage widened his influence increased his powers and extended his influence to the front line and the results are devastating.
The Tsar "Nicholas" commander in chief of the army since 1915, and was compelled to take the opinion of its leaders, They were aware of the bad influence of Rasputin, in after the other message was Czarina insists on her husband's implementation of everything they are asking her counselor, she was warning him that the failure to do so will lead to the destruction of Russia and then he will lose his power will not be his son sitting on the throne. Despite attempts by the Tsar ignored her letters and requests, but he underwent eventually and replaced the Minister of War man covetous and incompetent is Vladimir Socamnov, and so signed Rasputin document the death of millions of Russian soldiers .. It was a real disaster .. there were soldiers at the front without guns and without lead, and they were dressed summer and winter on the doors Vtjmdoa to death.
In fact, Russia was fighting mentality and weapons of the Middle Ages, while the enemy armed with the latest twentieth century technology, and it was Russian soldiers massacred slaughtered on the battlefield .. The trenches filled with Bmrahqan inexperienced to fight, and the generals flee quickly to escape their lives, leaving their soldiers thrown to their black fate, and took the war is going worse day after day. In all the cities of Russia were queues coffins coming from the front does not stop, and took the people complaining about the general situation. The soldiers letters from the front indicate that defeat were not only due to the government's inability, but because of a betrayal within them, and the circulating rumors about the existence of groups allied to the Germans give them the secrets of the moves of the Russian military maneuvers, and of course was Czarina German origin and advisor Rasputin are on the list of defendants.
Despite the attempt to palace officials blur those charges, but Rasputin kept the flame of the fire burning, in a very famous incident at the restaurant "May" took Rasputin some prostitutes OBD get drunk and suggesting and insinuating that he was able to make Czarina behave as he wishes, and was told that on one occasion he ran to naked the balcony and shouted in front of everyone that he is who governs Russia .. and of course were not quickly the health of those rumors as far as their ability to spread the task among the people who believe everything that is said about the Czarina and Rasputin.
Everyone has become in Russia consider Rasputin demon, relatives of Tsar hold him responsible for weakening the tsarist government, and the people became severely influence and control over the government opposed, and spread this opposition to include senior officers and members of the government .. We have the whole everyone's opinion that the presence of Rasputin became undesirable .. Thus, He became a close at stake.
The first attempt to kill Rasputin suffered in 1914 when he was visiting his family in Siberia, after leaving the church the evening he was attacked by a woman with a knife and stabbed him in the stomach, crying out: "You killed the enemy of Christ." But Rasputin did not die, he recovered from his wounds and survived.
The second attempt in 1916 was one of the Prince "Yusupov" pair Princess Irina measure niece of Tsar. Prince was one of the most eager to get rid of Rasputin, and in his home hatched the plot strands in agreement with the cousin of Tsar Dmitry Pavaloich and right-wing politician Vladimir Brchikvic. The first step is to invite Rasputin to the Palace "Mweka," arguing that Prince Yusupov wife want to meet him, was signed Rasputin trap, and he came to the palace wearing his clothes elegant belief that meet Yusupov beautiful wife, and if he entered the palace receive him Yusupov warmly and invited him to come down to the basement to meet his wife, there in the basement gave him a drink and cakes poisonous enough to kill five people, but that Rasputin was not affected by poison remained intact solid, then carried out the patience of Prince Yusupov grabbed his pistol and shot at home immediately, and he signed Rasputin to the ground and he thought the killers that he died, he left, but Prince Yusupov returned after few to take his coat, and while he is Balqbo decided to examine the corpse, proximity of the head from the face of Rasputin to make sure of his death, and here opened Rasputin eyes suddenly engulfed all his strength on the neck of the Prince and almost kill him for the fact that Prince guys heard the commotion and screaming back into the basement and shot Rasputin three other times, he fell to the ground motionless. But did not leave him this time, they were convinced that they have in front of a real demon, not a human being like all humans, they beat him and kicked him and put him in a vehicle and then took him to the river where Ogrkoh in the cold waters.
Several days later floated the body of Rasputin on the surface, and when they pulled him out and found a letter in his pocket addressed to the Tsar in which he says: "I was expecting to die were killed this year, it was the killers of the general public and farmers will throne a few more years to continue, but if the killers of nobles there is no throne for you or for your children after you. "
Indeed .. just three months of his death prophecy Rasputin achieved Voillst Russian Revolution Tsarist rule after spent the last generation of the family, "Romanov", and after nine months were executed Czar "Nicolas" and his family in Siberia.
Some historians believe that if there was no "Rasputin" of what the family Caesarean fell so quickly and in this tragic way, His presence brought her hatred of the Russian people, who saw in Rasputin embodiment of absolute evil, not even that the success of the Bolshevik Revolution and permanence was his Prasboaten link too, Valthora they started intimidating people from betraying the revolution, claiming that cheating means the return of the past in all its horror and the emergence of Rasputin else.
After the success of the revolution some older workers on the exhumation of the body of Rasputin from the grave and burned in a nearby forest, according to witnesses, the life debt corpse during the burning, so she sat cross-legged and looked as if it wants to play for the fact that the fire took them from every side and turned to ashes.

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