Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pink Cross (Alroskrohn)

Pink Cross (Alroskrohn) ..............
It's one of the most organizations that came out of the Knights Templar were an extension of her organization was formed in Germany, and hosted by the Knights Templar when they fled to escape from France to Germany
What Pink Cross, but the Red Cross, the Knights of the Temple printed on a white background.
This organization (Alrosucrohan) are twin Freemasonry but more closed and secret about Freemasonry.
The Code Pink Cross of the Order of the Temple is a symbol of the heathen, and its significance has nothing to do with Christianity.
Where to take the Knights Templar (ICRC) was camouflage and stealth on the grounds that they are a Christian organization
Nothing to do with the Temple Knights heretics devil worshipers who chased King Philip IV, were arrested and tortured and sentenced to death, mostly either the real significance of the banner of the Knights Templar, which represents a red cross on a white background
Red is the color of the cross represents the blood that was submitted as offerings during pagan rituals
The White color for the background represents the water man and a symbol of the sexual practices of anomalies that were practiced by the Knights Templar during rituals
As for the organization Pink Cross that came out of the womb of the Organization of the Knights Templar
They are highly secret organization which blends ancient Egyptian symbols Gnostic ideas and charm Alkabalah
This movement still exists even today
And its members sometimes come for pilgrimage at the Great Pyramid
And they wore on their chests a red rose and sang songs Akhenaton
The first and the founder of this organization was Germany, claims Rosen Krotaz
As for her second-founder in England, he (Francis Bacon) Abu experimental sciences and spiritual father all secret movements and the idea of ​​uniting all the Masonic movements and transfer from Europe to America
Francis Bacon was a thinker and a philosopher and member of the English Parliament and adviser to Queen Elizabeth I and King James I
He was a professor of the greatest organization Pink Cross (Alroskrohan) for more than 20 years
Of the most famous sayings of Francis Bacon:
(That all knowledge is not based on the experience they are not noted)
A phrase that hiding the seed displacement religions
A phrase that began including industry-based approaches empirical experience
Kalshauaah, socialism and dialectical and existential and Darwinism, liberal ..... etc etc
A phrase that out and then began the natural sciences religions collide.
As for books and ideas Franjss Bacon was the creed of which consisted of the Royal Society Alberatanih by which it was known in ancient times (Invisible College)
Francis Bacon called his book (New Atlantis)
Was talking about the island where the children of Scientific and his world was the name of this island is (Ben Salem)
And Ben Salem, its meaning is the New Jerusalem and the House Science, which controls the world from Jerusalem is the house of Suleiman any Temple of Solomon.
Whoever imagined Francis Bacon and the pursuit of ideas written to find it is to regain control of Jerusalem by the Temple of Solomon
The Zain Bacon margins book full of Jewish and Masonic symbols such as the Temple of Solomon vertical (Boaz and Jacquin) and are one of the pillars of the Masonic Lodge and also Albergl box and adjust the angles and eye unilateral
Francis Bacon is the editor who took the King James edition of the Bible which is a translation of the Bible from Latin into English, where the reign of King James I to Francis Bacon and that the King James is the first king of the kings of Britain from the Masons and was a member of the Scottish forum
Since King James I and even today Peretania all the kings and princes of the Masons.
Francis Bacon stood encrypts the Bible encryption Mason and make it contains a Christian point of view in what is known as the Masons or Christianity Freemasonry
The Royal Society Alberatanih
It is that it was known in ancient times hidden College
Hidden Falclah is that he was meeting secretly with members of Pink Cross physicists (Alroskrohan)
The founding fathers of the Royal Society Alberatanih were Alroskrohan England sons
Such as 1-Sir Elias Ichmoul founder of the Oxford Museum of Science and was a member of the 33 mainly a forum Warrington Edinburgh
2. Robert Murray, a member of a forum of England's greatest
3. Robert Boyle chemist
4. Isaac Newton, physicist
The latter Isaac Newton was one of the sons of Alkabalah a forum and a member of England's greatest friend and secretary, and the Secretary was claiming (Da'zajolier), a professor greatest forum for England
The memory of one of the most prominent sons of the Masons, a Masonic Newton established a forum called (Isaac Newton) and this forum is still yet exist at Cambridge University.
Newton, this was a great fondness traveled Torah and thought she was Tzdechr blades and symbols of the Lord concealed secret reveal the secrets of the universe
Lord has concealed so as not up to the keys these blades Swe properties philosophers whom the Lord had chosen to consist of them throughout history fraternal chain bind them alone without human beings have the Lord himself has chosen one of these to be therefore learn Newton Hebrew and examination of Ezekiel, and come out of the blades map of the image of the Temple of Solomon and sanctified Holies where after the death of Newton's year released a book called (ancient kingdoms) showed chapters within one structure design
The book was not published until after the death of Newton because he wanted to remain associated with this aspect of the Torah blocked blades secret no one knows and no one possessed only chosen by the Lord for it
In 1936, Newton's writings, manuscripts and secret handwritten and signed it appeared when offered for sale to the ninth Earl Burtsmart.
She had fallen to him by inheritance from one of the grandchildren of Isaac Newton
Then he bought after that the world economy (John Maranard Keynes)
And bought the remainder of the Jewish antiquities collector Abraham Yehuda
Then these manuscripts settled in the Jewish National Library.


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