Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Secret mysterious disappearance in Philadelphia terrible experience

Since the thirties of the last century, the US government began to conduct multiple research in the so-called secret technologies. Most of these technologies created by the great genius Nikola Tesla in addition to the famous Albert Einstein's theories of the world, and claims that Tesla and Oatstein have participated in this project in person!.
Months the leak of secret experiments that took place at the time was an experience warship "Olrig 'disappearance in 1943 in one of the ports of Philadelphia, war!. And the disappearance was an accident unexpected by those in charge of the experiment!. Their aim was to test a large device called high-powered electromagnetic fields designed to distort radar waves, or just hide radar ship!. But what happened was something I never expect!.
When they run the device directed toward the ship .... completely disappeared from the site! .. But the same moment appeared in another location on the coast of Nortvolk in Virginia! And it may be seen by a civilian crew of a ship docked at the new location!. After extinguishing the electromagnetic device ship reappeared in its original position and disappeared from Virginia!.
After approaching the ship crew to detect shock was waiting!. And they found a section of the sailors had their bodies intertwined with the body of the ship! Flesh mingled with the iron!. And some of them completely disappeared! No trace of him!. The remaining sailors, were incompetent mind! Became insane! And then they were forced to put them in psychiatric facilities!. The ship has moved from the status of time and spatial to a completely different another case!. Vseaarh who have become insane they claim they moved to 3600 m year! .balrgem Not realistic this novel addition to the absence of any formal recognition, but the US government has recognized in one of the periods as the experiences of the process depends on the theories of quantum physics in the laboratory, "Brock Haven! " In addition to that, during World War II it embarked on trials on technologies designed to dodge radar!. And we must not forget that the Soviets may also have developed these technologies!. Technology has reached a make planes disappear from radar screens!.
First to Know How is disappearing from sight this will be the first in two ways it says that every body in the world containing atoms and molecules, and that all that the faster the particles move the higher of transparency, the body and this is scientifically proven In the gas speed of atoms and molecules with large move so you do not see the second way: and this what we are talking about will and is surrounded card body so big that isolates the body from light is not reflected light, but what kind of energy that will surround the body will we know what the bottom
Unified field theory of Einstein ............
Einstein !! since put the relative theory in 1905, Albert Einstein record his name in the history of modern science as one of the most brilliant and daring scientists, because the nature of scientists pushing them always to look and study whatever made of the results and successes .. The world has worked feat Mundooail in 1916 in the study dubbed (unified field theory (at that time occurred to Einstein's idea Olatkon the force of gravity at all, but just a characteristic of what he called spacetime .. or energy time correlation Balmkanhma genius proved that what we say in article is nothing but a place where considerable energy concentrated energy unified field became concrete Bel proved that the substance is not not a form of energy, and not vice versa and in 1927 began to Einstein blends theory these are with energy, which says that each type of energy can be created from another type them completely can also generate electricity by magnets exchange theory in normal electrical generators at the same time generating a magnetic electricity can also find in the magnet electric ..ohna put his genius physicist Ali Facts unified field theory .... this field is what arises from the mixing of electrical energy the Earth's magnetic field and gravity and radiation cosmic and nuclear together ..
How did the experience .............
At first we must understand that at that time was America banned the export of oil to Japan, so Japan began moving its ships to attack naval fleet Alamrike blow so faint American naval fleet Japanese hidden is ready to hit at any time, America has started doing research for the development of its ships and was this research Philadelphia experiment in Okopr 1943 and in the city of Philadelphia's famous making ships and airplanes happened gathering for the leaders and the soldiers and some of the scientists, and we doubt that Einstein was the supervisor of the experiment which means that he was experimenting with a realistic picture of the unified field began to experience put devices strange at two Thzarethm ship in the middle, which which will be work experience on some of the finalization of the devices began to experience the noise of the forces and then became stronger and stronger, and then turning around the ship fog black and after few seconds disappeared fog and the ship disappeared, the joy of everyone for the success of the experience, but they heard a strange sound coming from waves move the ship and hidden Oagafoa experience if all the ship's crew or Genoa fainted and some say they have seen strange things they attack them any Tardoa tortured terribly in the few minutes it disappeared.
Marine and hide all the evidence of this experiment and its results and claimed that a number of devastating crew lost at sea and did not allow the deployment of anything officially, except a few lines written about the Philadelphia newspaper.
Certificate sailors survivors ..................
Says (Michael Craig), second in charge of the helm in a newspaper: "We were on the deck We know very well that they will experience a weapon is, and most of us were full of enthusiasm, and then the huge generators at work, and we felt began as if our heads explode, and almost our hearts jump out of our chests violence Khvqatha, and then took us the fog of green thick and darkened the world around us, as if we have lost sight, Vastoly horror most of us and started all nothing more than aimless everywhere, all the way and I thought we might have been drowned in another world or that our minds have been struck by madness, with those hallucinations that Perceived us, Vsidika rank Maijur swear he sees his late wife, and the officer Brad claimed the laughs in the madness, and captain Rod taking runs the rudder hysterical movements, screaming that it is necessary to come out from the sea of ​​darkness of this, but I have met creatures from the world of Last, I did not know are they monsters?! or perhaps fantasies ..?!,
It is important that what we suffered there was not commonplace at all, but it was worth enough to get all of him real mad. "He said Victor Silverman:" I was an engineer with 3 other engineers and have extended electrical wiring from nearby to the devastating leg, and when the issuance of orders and opened the buttons was Buzz output is not likely and I found myself overwhelmed by a deep fog and the first thing that occurred to me is that the destroyer exploded and I stood, trying to understand what is happening around me
I looked at the ship and saw forms is not clear is moving and can not distinguish them Kpharh and suddenly disappeared fog and looked around me. If I see my berth (Nortvolk) puzzled wondered: How on earth did I come here? And suddenly she returned fog green again and also disappeared and if me I find myself in the Marina base Philadelphia Navy, after this incident remained a long time wondering to myself, you lost my mind in those brief moments? In fact, I do not know because what happened to me or to other men who were with me.
".ketb Researcher," George LAnflan "in his book" Scary Facts Terrible Realities ":" that the ship disappeared and moved over this distance and resurfaced in place all this in five seconds and is incapable of reason to think about how this happens because it is at the moment of its disappearance from the port Philadelphia seen in Nortvolk remote.
Dozens of people Almtbaeidin acknowledged that they saw clearly the ship and in the full specifications and her name was written in very large letters on the forefront so that there is no room for suspecting and error. As crew of a civilian vessel, "Andrew Forthusit" Alvenadawa confirmed that they are actually looking at warfare destroyer that appeared before their eyes off the coast of North Falk, Virginia, then it disappeared after a few minutes.
Sailors rolled testimonies of survivors of the experiment, but not taken into account because they were considered crazy.
It was revealed the details of this experience and give it credibility thanks to the astronomer and physicist (Jessup. K. Morris) after the publication of a book titled "The issue of the flying objects of unknown" Case for the UFO in the January 13, 1955, where he tried in his interpretation of the energy used in the source UFO study unified field theory unified field theory.
Because of this interest received (Morris) messages written by a reader and one of which was signed by (Carl Allen) where he claimed that the US Navy has applied this theory in one of the tests in 1943 and resulted in a hide-destructive warfare and make it invisible for a few moments and caused this experience serious injuries in the ranks of the destroyer crew asked him (Maurice) in a letter sent to him more information told him that in October 1943, Dr. (Franklin Reinhart) is responsible for the application of unified field theory in order to turn into a military weapon amazing experience was the hide the USS Aildiridj Eldridge (DE - 173) USS with the crew and said: "my arm has been extended in this area Fajf the experience was successful but the result was awesome crew, where some of them died while others have disappeared forever and the rest of the crew drowned in the madness and later disappeared A number of sailors and survivors suddenly become invisible. "
Gave (Carl Allen) number of official card bearing the number 416 175 and issued in Czechoslovakia, "he told him that he was working on the ship (Andrew Voroset) and reminded him of some witnesses and companions who can provide additional details about these unusual experiences names .autam validation data provided by his work on the board (Andrew Voroset) and real card number as investigations showed that he joined the marine Corps on July 14, 1942 and left in May 21, 1943.
Albert Einstein consult with the naval officers in his studies at Princeton University, New Jersey in July 1943
In the early sixties, he said the physical world (Franklin, Reinhart) in a television interview broadcast on the air, saying: "that Albert Einstein was well known about the experience of Philadelphia, he worked since 1940 with Professor (Rudolph Omberg) has asked me to assist them in a project on using strong to inform ships and destroyers electromagnetic fields cover visor lead to deviation torpedoes away from them and have begun work on the project and has already been the development of the idea to the launch of the electromagnetic field in the air instead of water to hide the ships visually and all that he worries us is the side effects that may occur as a result of the experiment was including the possibility of boiling water, or ionized air around the ship, or any of those things that lead to a state of instability, but not one of us, and even Einstein himself did not think the prospects for the block and overlap between dimensions. "
Reach (Jessup .k.mauric) to important information and began to realize the correct answers I tried the CIA to remove him from his posts and remove him from pursuing his research, and in mid-April of 1959 Tell (Jessob.k.mauric) Dr. (Manson Valentine) geographical and nautical Hoaalm professor archeology that he wants to talk to him about some of the discoveries about the experience of Philadelphia, but was found (Jessob.k.mauric) dead in his car outside his home in (Coral Gables) from Florida following the inhalation of gas car's engine was Altgariran incident he Anthar.omn then continued James. Any big world. Mdkonald research on Jessob.k.mauric probes launched from the same convictions and provide him from his research but he was found dead with a bullet in the head near a bridge in Arizona in June 13, 1971 and was the official report, a copy of what preceded it Anthar.oma for the world physicist Franklin Reinhart After the statement made by the journalists tried to ask what he meant Bmstalha "bring the block and overlap between dimensions," but he did not answer their questions because he died in a horrific car accident.
And it said to have been the appointment of Carl Allen at the CIA, so subject to confidentiality law, which forbids him to speak in the order or in any other matters relating to national security.
The existence of similarities between the Bermuda Triangle and what happens within the Unified Field of lack of vision and an imbalance in the Earth's magnetic field in the region confirms that the Bermuda Triangle is a unified energy. The field, said researcher and writer Charles Berlitz in his book about the Bermuda Triangle that the Philadelphia Experiment It proved that there is a strong relationship between the disappearances and magnetic anomalies, which claimed that the Bermuda triangle area enjoys Portal magnetic anomaly premise owners to explain what is happening in the Bermuda triangle believes that the presence of a magnetic anomaly in the region may be the reason for the strange movements of the compass and measuring the rise in aircraft (Read other explanations for the disappearances), and the Soviet world, "Wilkin" spreading his point of view in the newspaper "Alaszewstaa" Soviet considering that the occurrence of magnetic disturbances there is reason disasters aircraft. Also supported the author and architect of electricity, "Half Okinkulos Braus" view that there is good reason to link the incident magnetic field of the Earth, although there are magnetic Kberhhsalt of land in different eras and this could be an explanation for the crash and then it sank in deep water and Zcarperltz also that (Wolpert B.smit) and is an expert in matters of electrical headed the project for magnetic and gravity done by the Canadian government in 1950 gave an explanation of the factors disappearance of the aircraft and said that he found certain places called "places the decline of the rotation," a relatively small diameter of about 1,000 feet, but they rise to the great distance somewhat extends its influence to the extent that they can fling aircraft if exist and which can not be observed. as a spokesman for the branch search and rescue of the main office of the coast Guard pointed out magnetic and gravity in the searches, saying: "we do not know what is happening in the region called the Bermuda triangle all we can do for the disappearances mysterious is the expectations" and Navy are trying to be up to the reality of what is happening through a project called magnetic project and turmoil in Alatamosviri the atmosphere, and some believe that some of these disorders may cause aircraft accidents in 1945, but the big mystery remains in this place is this enormous energy, which covers the source an area of ​​this size.

Ship stand out from the rocky mountain base in an abandoned city, "Moore Nmask" Russian is said to have undergone the experience of Philadelphia to get free surfaces and did not complete the experiment.

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