Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sniper killer ....!

If we conducted a comprehensive survey of the crimes of months thugs in the American States, and reviewed their records criminal stained with the blood of the victims, whether it was codified them in police stations, or installed in the criminal courts, or published on the Internet, to have seen that does not live up to one tenth of what he committed this low place alone , it can not be compared with his crimes Tqbh the face of history, and draws more than a question mark on the forehead of the statue of liberty, which has become a symbol of the violation of people's rights and the loss of justice and equity, and turned standard bearer fossilized into flame glowing violence and hatred against the peoples and nations.
Take for example the American criminal (John and Ian Gaci), who became famous as the most bloody thugs, kill 29 children only during the six-year, or US Cutthroat (Andrew Philip Conan), who was the most famous serial killers to kill him (10) only women, or American assassin (Theodore Bundy), who wrapped up his criminal history to its implementation (36) offense just killed, or US criminal (Herman Webster Madjt), aka demon city of Chicago, who was killed during the 4 years (49) victim only, or the American serial killer (Zodiac), who appeared in the state of California, and was immersed in the world of crime to kill him (6) Adults only.
We'll find out after this quick review of the records of crime, that the outcome of the end of the massacres committed by these five, not to exceed 130 casualties occurred in different places, for more than ten years, in the sense that the American soldier killer (Chris agent Chris Kyle) killed alone double what the murderers of all of these, and himself alone in this index recorded within the geographical area of ​​Iraq, in the period in which his military service, and it was he who took the initiative to recognize all crimes he committed, and went further to explain the way in which each victim was killed, but it was one of the most brazen criminals and when he appeared on television screens, which boasts a criminal record within the ranks of the Marines.
It is looking at the network (YouTube) will see how boast of his crimes, and how brags it all arrogance, and how to talk with the utmost clarity and openness for extinguishing savage instinct to choose his victims and pounce on them, and how claims the per their lives after the other, even kill them (260 Iraqis) in a few months , without batting an eyelid, and donated media European display movies and stills that confirms the credibility of what eating book for convoys of victims who were killed in Iraq with a rifle this professional killer, while omits his Iraqi satellite channels, and ignored human rights organizations.
Outrageous that America received this criminal reception knights, and put laurels on his head, and gave him the highest military decorations, and allowed him to document his crimes, and recorded the book of destruction, telling future generations how trained American Ziabha rabid, and how it was launched in the new international order forests to kill innocent people in cold blood .
He (Chris) in his book: he had not seen the victims as human beings, is certain that he was dealing with them as creatures aggressive deserve murder, when he was killing people, and drop it to the ground, the need for those who witness with him, confirms the credibility of what he will say the secret to the commander of that he belongs, and he had to determine the time, place, and used the gun, and the distance that fired his shot, and who was wearing a slain, and what was working before falling to Earth.
From this perspective, the criminal admitted his Pentagon officially killing 160 Iraqis, in addition to (100) recognized by the victim later.
The quote you here the literal text of his most uttered by commenting on the record to the record in the number of victims: -
"The number is not important to me. I only wish I had killed more ... "
It means: ((not important figure for me, I just wish I had killed more of them)), and on this basis, awarded by the US command higher discretionary certificates in appreciation of animal instinct, exemplified by the murder of the largest possible number of people in US military history.
The first victims were middle-aged woman from the countryside of the city of Nasiriyah, shot her zealot dead on the spot, and killed with her child, just because he thought they were hiding a hand grenade under the black abaya, and later turned out that she was carrying a small vase to fetch water after his absence from the neighborhood and she walked carefully on the sidewalk, and happened to be passed by a US military convoy ominous heading to Baghdad, were afraid of them (Chris), and shot her, and killed her on the spot, and pierced the bullet body of the baby Vzbanh from vein to vein, and left them lying on the sidewalk, and then continued the convoy en route, and had (Chris) first rewards of the convoy commander, and his fellow soldiers in the herd to which it belongs, Valohouc in this herd unaccountable one, and are not accountable, because they are in the logic of the Pentagon, above all laws and customs and laws, and you can imagine what this can be an animal who has lost his conscience while jamon punishment does.
Citing these women in the (Shuhada neighborhood) Nasiriyah, and left behind young daughters (five blocks), and it behooves its people and their relatives not to leave this criminal flee from justice, especially after he acknowledged the greatness of his tongue, he would kill her for mere suspicion.
It raised Foundation (William Morrow) this bloody book in the first week of the first month of 2012, to be one of the winning books on higher sales of the Pan American States.
Flaunted (Chris) in the introduction to his book Bolkabh criminal, he alleged that the people in Iraq, they called it a range of titles and labels, and states that closest to his heart, is the title of the devil (similar thing gravitated to him), and claims that the Iraqis had offered a reward estimated twenty million dollars to those who kill , he says he won a handful of medals (courage), decorations (honor), badges excellent service field for his participation in four fierce battles, fought in the Iraqi cities, and alleged that he was loved by his colleagues in the US herd bull.
And we say to him and to those who Krmoh Bonoat shame, you are actually demons class and sex, and you are in the perspective of humanitarian norms of the wanted man, because you're out of class bloodthirsty beasts, and lacks the most basic human values ​​and principles.
Asks American writer (Cap Fulton Kap Fulton), in an exhibition criticism of the book, he says: ((Can the US Army that fuses the concept of courage so that makes it expands to include those who killed people from far distances ?, It was the gun that criminal equipped with senses senses criminals and identify them in complete darkness ?, It was the gun made of electronic chips designed for the analysis of amino Hawwaamadhm Balermottcontrol so as to be able to sort out criminals and diagnosed the crowd? Does US military personnel has become beyond reproach, so that does not make mistakes?)). And she told him the US broadcaster (but O'Reilly) when they negotiate with the killer in the studios (Fox News): ((You are a monster berserk, encrypted to kill people, and operates without conscience)).
The culture of death in the ranks of the US military roots ideological and tactical, which have one of the constants, which is indisputable, even murder became a have a song repeats Hmaz prospects, and the children of the streets after joining the barracks training, striking that the Ripper (Chris) chose the name Cantata disgusting, by American poet (Darryl Mason) entitled (American Sniper American Sniper) the title of his book
The impact of (Arthur)
Sar (Chris) on the American soldier killer approach (Arthur Shawcross), probably influenced by the reincarnation of his character.
Famous (Shawcross) from a young age, sexual perversion, and then joined the ranks of the US Army, and fought in Vietnam, nickname, Bhrasth and cruelty excessive, and said he was delights in killing women Vietnamese women and shoots them without guilt, and was grilling for Hmhn and eat, and when he returned to the United States continued to exercise his hobby , it was eat the flesh of his victims were women and children. The strange thing that the US courts sympathized with him, and did not control him to death, and merely checking in at a mental institution, but short cut and decided to commit suicide after a history of murder and criminality. And influenced (Chris) methods (Aariel Sharon) in dealing with unarmed civilians. In 1982 this killer committed the most heinous massacres (Sabra and Shatila), killing 450 civilians, not so long ago to be the end (Chris) the way they committed suicide in which (Shawcross) or perhaps rotting and disintegrating his body before his death, as the spiritual leader rot (Sharon) in the intensive care unit, and God the lookout for criminals.
These are all of one race, and one swamp, and corral one, but all of them know that God is with the oppressed to the oppressor, and he does not like the oppressors, and Sttardhm Hobh Iraq in this world and the hereafter, and Allah is with the patient.

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